You gotta give me some RESPECT!
There is a lot going on about the liar and fascist Tony Blair's new 'respect' agenda. Talk Politics dissects his arguments in detail revealing them in all their fascist glory. Samizdata and Chicken Yoghurt seem to have got fascism fatigue from the never ending stream of bile flowing from New Labour. Samizdata simply managing to state the obvious that
Blair and New Labour take pride in smashing the checks and balances which protect civil liberties in this country.The Twat as usual slavishly tries to defend his master, and is brought up short by the keyboard of Longrider and Devil's Kitchen. Backing Blair pulls up the fact the most obviously disrespectful person to us is tony Blair and New Labour. The Telegraph maybe has the answer to this:
As Christopher Howse notes, "respect" has a different meaning among Britain's urban youth to that intended by Tony Blair. The word refers to the hierarchy of riches and violence that raises such terrible role models for the young; it is the code by which the weak must make way for the strong and ill-gotten wealth is preferred to honest graft.This version of respect fits rather nicely with the legalised gangsterism that Blair is promoting with his Respect agenda where anybody can be fined punished for potentially no reason at all, or have their money stolen if an agent of the state considers that they have more than he considers justified.
In short, "respect" means the opposite of "respectability".
Backing Blair has a petition to try and get some real respect from New Labour.
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